
Declaring assets to be processed by Trunk is simple and extensible.

All link assets to be processed by Trunk must follow these three rules:

  • Must be declared as a valid HTML link tag.
  • Must have the attribute data-trunk.
  • Must have the attribute rel="{type}", where {type} is one of the asset types listed below.

This will typically look like: <link data-trunk rel="{type}" href="{path}" ..other options here.. />. Each asset type described below specifies the required and optional attributes for its asset type. All <link data-trunk .../> HTML elements will be replaced with the output HTML of the associated pipeline.


rel="rust": Trunk will compile the specified Cargo project as WASM and load it. This is optional. If not specified, Trunk will look for a Cargo.toml in the parent directory of the source HTML file.

  • href: (optional) the path to the Cargo.toml of the Rust project. If a directory is specified, then Trunk will look for the Cargo.toml in the given directory. If no value is specified, then Trunk will look for a Cargo.toml in the parent directory of the source HTML file.
  • data-target-name: (optional) the name of the target artifact to load. If the Cargo project has multiple targets (binaries and library), this value can be used to select which one should be used by trunk.
  • data-bin: (optional) the name of the binary to compile and load. If the Cargo project has multiple binaries, this value can be used to specify that a specific binary should be compiled (using --bin) and used by trunk. This implicitly includes data-target-name.
  • data-type: (optional) specifies how the binary should be loaded into the project. Can be set to main or worker. main is the default. There can only be one main link. For workers a wasm-bindgen javascript wrapper and the wasm file (with _bg.wasm suffix) is created, named after the binary name (if provided) or project name. See one of the webworker examples on how to load them.
  • data-cargo-features: (optional) Space or comma separated list of cargo features to activate.
  • data-cargo-no-default-features: (optional) Disables the default Cargo features.
  • data-cargo-all-features: (optional) Enables all Cargo features.
    • Neither compatible with data-cargo-features nor data-cargo-no-default-features.
  • data-wasm-opt: (optional) run wasm-opt with the set optimization level. The possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, s, z or an empty value for wasm-opt's default. Set this option to 0 to disable wasm-opt explicitly. The values 1-4 are increasingly stronger optimization levels for speed. s and z (z means more optimization) optimize for binary size instead. Only used in --release mode.
  • data-keep-debug: (optional) instruct wasm-bindgen to preserve debug info in the final WASM output, even for --release mode. This may conflict with the use of wasm-opt, so to be sure, it is recommended to set data-wasm-opt="0" when using this option.
  • data-no-demangle: (optional) instruct wasm-bindgen to not demangle Rust symbol names.
  • data-reference-types: (optional) instruct wasm-bindgen to enable reference types.
  • data-weak-refs: (optional) instruct wasm-bindgen to enable weak references.
  • data-typescript: (optional) instruct wasm-bindgen to output Typescript bindings. Defaults to false.
  • data-bindgen-target: (optional) specifies the value of the wasm-bindgen flag --target (see link for possible values). Defaults to no-modules. The main use-case is to switch to web with data-type="worker" which reduces backwards compatibility but with some advantages.
  • data-loader-shim: (optional) instruct trunk to create a loader shim for web workers. Defaults to false.
  • data-cross-origin: (optional) the crossorigin setting when loading the code & script resources. Defaults to plain anonymous.
  • data-integrity: (optional) the integrity digest type for code & script resources. Defaults to plain sha384.
  • data-wasm-no-import: (optional) by default, Trunk will generate an import of functions exported from Rust. Enabling this flag disables this feature. Defaults to false.
  • data-wasm-import-name: (optional) the name of the global variable where the functions imported from WASM will be available (under the window object). Defaults to wasmBindings (which makes them available via window.wasmBindings.<functionName>).
  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...
  • data-initializer: (optional) Path to the (module) JavaScript file of the initializer.
  • data-cargo-profile: (optional) A cargo profile to use, instead of the default, for both release or dev mode.
  • data-cargo-profile-release: (optional) A cargo profile to use, instead of the default, for the release mode. Overrides the data-cargo-profile setting.
  • data-cargo-profile-dev: (optional) A cargo profile to use, instead of the default, for the dev mode. Overrides the data-cargo-profile setting.


rel="sass" or rel="scss": Trunk uses the official dart-sass for compilation. Just link to your sass files from your source HTML, and Trunk will handle the rest. This content is hashed for cache control. The href attribute must be included in the link pointing to the sass/scss file to be processed.

  • data-inline: (optional) this attribute will inline the compiled CSS from the SASS/SCSS file into a <style> tag instead of using a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag.
  • data-integrity: (optional) the integrity digest type for code & script resources. Defaults to plain sha384.
  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...


rel="css": Trunk will copy linked css files found in the source HTML without content modification. This content is hashed for cache control. The href attribute must be included in the link pointing to the css file to be processed.

  • In the future, Trunk will resolve local @imports, will handle minification (see trunk#7), and we may even look into a pattern where any CSS found in the source tree will be bundled, which would enable a nice zero-config "component styles" pattern. See trunk#3 for more details.
  • data-integrity: (optional) the integrity digest type for code & script resources. Defaults to plain sha384.
  • data-no-minify: (optional) Opt-out of minification. Also see: Minification.
  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...


rel="tailwind-css": Trunk uses the official tailwindcss cli for compilation. Just link to your tailwind css files from your source HTML, and Trunk will handle the rest. This content is hashed for cache control. The href attribute must be included in the link pointing to the sass/scss file to be processed.

  • data-inline: (optional) this attribute will inline the compiled CSS from the tailwind compilation into a <style> tag instead of using a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag.
  • data-integrity: (optional) the integrity digest type for code & script resources. Defaults to plain sha384.
  • data-no-minify: (optional) Opt-out of minification. Also see: Minification.
  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...


rel="icon": Trunk will copy the icon image specified in the href attribute to the dist dir. This content is hashed for cache control.

  • data-integrity: (optional) the integrity digest type for code & script resources. Defaults to plain sha384.
  • data-no-minify: (optional) Opt-out of minification. Also see: Minification.
  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...


rel="inline": Trunk will inline the content of the file specified in the href attribute into index.html. This content is copied exactly, no hashing is performed.

  • type: (optional) – If not present, the type is inferred by the file extension.
    • html, svg
    • css: CSS wrapped in style tags
    • js: JavaScript wrapped in script tags
    • mjs, module: JavaScript wrapped in script tags with type="module"


rel="copy-file": Trunk will copy the file specified in the href attribute to the dist dir. This content is copied exactly, no hashing is performed.

  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...


rel="copy-dir": Trunk will recursively copy the directory specified in the href attribute to the dist dir. This content is copied exactly, no hashing is performed.

  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...

Script Asset Types

Script assets are bit more diverse.

Script Assets

Classic script assets processed by Trunk must follow these three rules:

  • Must be declared as a valid HTML script tag.
  • Must have the attribute data-trunk.
  • Must have the attribute src, pointing to a script file


A valid HTML script tag always has an end tag (like <script></script>). A self-closing script tag (like <script />) is not avalid HTML script tag and will trigger a warning an may create a non-working HTML file.

This will typically look like: <script data-trunk src="{path}" ..other options here..></script>. All <script data-trunk ...></script> HTML elements will be replaced with the output HTML of the associated pipeline.

Trunk will copy script files found in the source HTML without content modification. This content is hashed for cache control. The src attribute must be included in the script pointing to the script file to be processed.

  • data-no-minify: (optional) Opt-out of minification. Also see: Minification.
  • data-target-path: (optional) Path where the output is placed inside the dist dir. If not present, the directory is placed in the dist root. The path must be a relative path without ...

JS Snippets

JS snippets generated from the wasm-bindgen JS snippets feature are automatically copied to the dist dir, hashed and ready to rock. No additional setup is required. Just use the feature in your application, and Trunk will take care of the rest.

Images & Other Resources

Images and other resource types can be copied into the dist dir by adding a link like this to your source HTML: <link data-trunk rel="copy-file" href="path/to/image"/>. Any normal file type is supported. This will cause Trunk to find the target resource, and copy it to the dist dir unmodified. No hashing will be applied. The link itself will be removed from the HTML. To copy an entire directory of assets/images, you can use the following HTML: <link data-trunk rel="copy-dir" href="path/to/images-dir"/>.

This will allow your WASM application to reference images directly from the dist dir, and Trunk will ensure that the images are available in the dist dir to be served.


As Trunk continues to mature, we will find better ways to include images and other resources. Hashing content for cache control is great, we just need to find a nice pattern to work with images referenced in Rust components. Please contribute to the discussion over in trunk#9! See you there.


You can instruct Trunk to write the URL passed to --public-url to the HTML output by adding this to your <head>: <base data-trunk-public-url/>.

Trunk will set the href attribute of the element to the public URL. This changes the behavior of relative URLs to be relative to the public URL instead of the current location.

You can also access this value at runtime using document.baseURI which is useful for apps that need to know the base URL on which they're hosted (e.g. for routing).