
Trunk supports a layered config system. At the base, a config file can encapsulate project specific defaults, paths, ports and other config. Environment variables can be used to overwrite config file values. Lastly, CLI arguments / options take final precedence.


Trunk supports an optional Trunk.toml config file. An example config file is included in the Trunk repo, and shows all available config options along with their default values. By default, Trunk will look for a Trunk.toml config file in the current working directory. Trunk supports the global --config option to specify an alternative location for the file.

Note that any relative paths declared in a Trunk.toml file will be treated as being relative to the Trunk.toml file itself.

Environment Variables

Trunk environment variables mirror the Trunk.toml config schema. All Trunk environment variables have the following 3 part form TRUNK_<SECTION>_<ITEM>, where TRUNK_ is the required prefix, <SECTION> is one of the Trunk.toml sections, and <ITEM> is a specific configuration item from the corresponding section. E.G., TRUNK_SERVE_PORT=80 will cause trunk serve to listen on port 80. The equivalent CLI invocation would be trunk serve --port=80.

In addition, there is the variable TRUNK_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK which allows to control the update check (if that is) compiled into the version of trunk.

CLI Arguments & Options

The final configuration layer is the CLI itself. Any arguments / options provided on the CLI will take final precedence over any other config layer.


Trunk ships with a built-in proxy which can be enabled when running trunk serve. There are two ways to configure the proxy, each discussed below. All Trunk proxies will transparently pass along the request body, headers, and query parameters to the proxy backend.

Proxy CLI Flags

The trunk serve command accepts two proxy related flags.

--proxy-backend specifies the URL of the backend server to which requests should be proxied. The URI segment of the given URL will be used as the path on the Trunk server to handle proxy requests. E.G., trunk serve --proxy-backend=http://localhost:9000/api/ will proxy any requests received on the path /api/ to the server listening at http://localhost:9000/api/. Further path segments or query parameters will be seamlessly passed along.

--proxy-rewrite specifies an alternative URI on which the Trunk server is to listen for proxy requests. Any requests received on the given URI will be rewritten to match the URI of the proxy backend, effectively stripping the rewrite prefix. E.G., trunk serve --proxy-backend=http://localhost:9000/ --proxy-rewrite=/api/ will proxy any requests received on /api/ over to http://localhost:9000/ with the /api/ prefix stripped from the request, while everything following the /api/ prefix will be left unchanged.

--proxy-insecure allows the --proxy-backend url to use a self signed certificate for https (or any officially invalid certs, including expired). This would be used when proxying to https such as trunk serve --proxy-backend=https://localhost:3001/ --proxy-insecure where the ssl cert was self signed, such as with mkcert, and routed through an https reverse proxy for the backend, such as local-ssl-proxy or caddy.

--proxy-no-sytem-proxy bypasses the system proxy when contacting the proxy backend.

--proxy-ws specifies that the proxy is for a WebSocket endpoint.

Config File

The Trunk.toml config file accepts multiple [[proxy]] sections, which allows for multiple proxies to be configured. Each section requires at least the backend field, and optionally accepts the rewrite and ws fields, both corresponding to the --proxy-* CLI flags discussed above.

As it is with other Trunk config, a proxy declared via CLI will take final precedence and will cause any config file proxies to be ignored, even if there are multiple proxies declared in the config file.

The following is a snippet from the Trunk.toml file in the Trunk repo:

rewrite = "/api/v1/"
backend = "http://localhost:9000/"

Required version

Starting with 0.19.0-alpha.2, it is possible to enforce having a certain version of trunk building the project.

As new features get added to trunk, this might be helpful to ensure that the version of trunk building the current is actually capable of doing so. This can be done using the trunk-version (or using the alias trunk_version) on the root level of the Trunk.toml file.

The version format is a "version requirement", the same format you might know from Cargo's version field on dependencies.

This also supports pre-release requirements, which allows adopting upcoming features early.


Versions prior do 0.19.0-alpha.2 currently do not support this check, and so they will silently ignore such an error for now.