A basic project

For building the web application, trunk is running a combination of tools, mainly cargo build and wasm-bindgen. Therefore, having a simple cargo project and an index.html file as an entry-point is sufficient to get you started.

Creating a project

Start with creating a fresh Rust project and change into that folder:

cargo new trunk-hello-world
cd trunk-hello-world

Add some dependencies for the web:

cargo add wasm-bindgen console_error_panic_hook
cargo add web_sys -F Window,Document,HtmlElement,Text

Inside the newly created project, create a file src/main.rs with the following content:

use web_sys::window;

fn main() {

    let document = window()
        .and_then(|win| win.document())
        .expect("Could not access the document");
    let body = document.body().expect("Could not access document.body");
    let text_node = document.create_text_node("Hello, world from Vanilla Rust!");
        .expect("Failed to append text");

Create an index.html in the root of project:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <title>Hello World</title>

Then, start trunk inside that project to have it built and served:

trunk serve --open

This should compile the project, run wasm_bindgen, create an index.html based on the original file which loads and initializes the application.

The application itself is pretty basic, simply getting the document's body and adding a note.

Next steps

Most likely, you do not want to manually update the DOM tree of your application. You might want to add some assets, tweak the build process, use some more browser APIs, perform some HTTP requests, use existing crates for the web, and maybe even interface with the JavaScript world. However, all of this is an extension to this basic project we just created.

Here are some pointers: